Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Oracle DBA Interview questions

•What is the database holding Capacity of Oracle ?
Why in 10G, when you use real time apply feature in conjunction with Maximum Protection, you can achive

You have taken import of a table in a database. you have got the Integrity constraint violation error.
what are the diffrent file types that are supported by SQL*Loader?
How to find how many database reside in Oracle server in query?
Assuming today is Monday, how would you use the DBMS_JOB package to schedule the execution of a given
What spfile/init.ora file parameter exists to force the CBO to make the execution path of a given statement
How many memory layers are in the shared pool?
What are the attributes of the Virtual Indexes
Virtual Indexes in Oracle
What are materialized views? when are they used?
What is a functional index - explain?
Where we use bitmap index ?
What is an extent
How to you move from Dedicated server Process to a Shared Server Process
What are the components of physical database structure of Oracle database
What are the components of logical database structure of Oracle database
How can be determine the size of the log files
How can be determine the size of the database?
How can you check which user has which Role
Can you start a database without SPfile in oracle 9i?
Do a view contain data
Can objects of the same schema reside in different tablespaces
can we create index on long raw column?
What are the basic element of base configuration of an Oracle database
What is the function of redo log
Linux administration
•Q. How do you list files in a directory?
How do you list all files in a directory, including the hidden files?

How do you find out all processes that are currently running?

How do you find out the processes that are currently running or a particular user?

How do you kill a process?

What would you use to view contents of the file?
What would you use to edit contents of the file?

What would you use to view contents of a large error log file?
How do you log in to a remote Unix box?

How do you get help on a UNIX terminal?

How do you list contents of a directory including all of its
subdirectories, providing full details and sorted by modification time

1 comment:

  1. I have heard about another way of how to repair ndf file. Besides, you can visit my blogs at: http://daspeac.livejournal.com/ or http://daspeac.blogspot.com/ where I’m trying to share my experience with regard to data corruption issues.
