Saturday, September 19, 2009


Editing Context file(xml file) in Oracle apps R12 using Context editor.
It is a mandatory thing that you should not edit the context file or xml file manually .
Context editor should be used for this(This can be used for updating ports or to change any configuration)
of application Tier or database tier.
follow these steps to install context editor in your existing oracle apps R12 system.
Apply patch 2873456 from metalink
after applying you will not be able to invoke the editcontext executable and you will get a error. this is because jre 1.1.8 which is
supplied along with this patch is no longer supported.
So download jre1.5.0_10 from and unpack it inside the path editcontext/jre/Linux/
and rename the old 1.1.8 jre inside that
then go to the bin directory inside the editcontext directory
open the file
and accordingly replace the jre directory and also replace the jre executable with java in the same file ..
and invoke it from
$RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME/appsutil for editing database context(xml) file.
$COMMON_TOP/util for editing Application context(xml) file.
Syntax is
Before editing shutdown the application tier and after editing run to update the configuration files to reflect the new value.
the screen shots are as follows.

1 comment:

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