Saturday, September 19, 2009

dbc file in Apps

what is dbc file in Apps and its Importance
dbc (database connector) file is the key configuration file in oracle applications(E-business suite)
Its Location is $FND_TOP/secure..
It is the main configuration file using which applications connect to the database.
It has the following information also i have given the equivalent parameter in the xml(context) file.
Context File Parameter Parameter in the DBC File Description
s_guest_user GUEST_USER_PWD Guest Account
s_dbhost DB_HOST Database hostname
s_dbport DB_PORT Port number for database listener
s_dbSid DB_NAME Database name
s_fnd_jdbc_buffermin FND_JDBC_BUFFER_MIN Minimum Number of
connections the pool maintains
s_fnd_jdbc_buffermax FND_JDBC_BUFFER_MAX Maximum number of connections
the pool allows
s_fnd_jdbc_buffer_decay_interval FND_JDBC_BUFFER_DECAY_INTERVAL Specifies how often the
connection pool checks buffer size
s_fnd_jdbc_buffer_decay_size FND_JDBC_BUFFER_DECAY_SIZE Maximum number of connections
removed during a cycle.

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