Thursday, December 31, 2009

Creating Backup Files

Copying Directories and Files

dd Copying / on /dev/hda1 to a /dev/hdb1 ( backup disk )
dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/dev/hdb1 bs=1024k

tar | tar Copying /home on /dev/hda5 to a /dev/hdb5 ( backup disk )
mount /dev/hdb5 /mnt/backup
( tar cf - /home ) | ( cd /mnt/backup ; tar xvfp - )
umount /mnt/backup
scp Copying /home on /dev/hda5 to a /dev/hdb5 ( backup disk )
mount /dev/hdb5 /mnt/backup
scp -par /home /mnt/backup
umount /mnt/backup
scp -pr user1@host:/Source_to_Backup user2@BackupServer:/Backup_Dir

find | cpio Copying /home on /dev/hda5 to a /dev/hdb5 ( backup disk )
mount /dev/hdb5 /mnt/backup
find /home -print | cpio -pm /mnt/backup
umount /mnt/backup

To View Contents
cpio -it < file.cpio

To Extract a file
cpio -id "usr/share/file/doc/*" < file.cpio

Creating Backup Files
tar Backup /home to ( backup disk )
mount /dev/hdb5 /mnt/backup
tar zcvf /mnt/backup/home.Date.tgz /home > /mnt/backup/home.Date.log
umount /mnt/backup
Encrypt home.Date.tgz if security of sensitive data is an issue
Example Full/Incremental Script

Typical list of directories you WANT to backup regularly...
DIRS is typically: /root /etc /home/

Using Month/Date for Backup Filenames
date `%Y.%M.%D"

Simple Full Backup
tar zcvf /Backup_Dir/Month_Date.Full.tgz $DIRS

Simple Incremental Backups
Change the Month_Date.tgz file
Backup the files to a Different Server:/Disks [ reasons ]

Simple Daily Incremental Backup
find $DIRS -mtime -1 -type f -print | tar zcvf /BackupDir_1/Month_Date.tgz -T -

Simple Weekly Incremental Backup
find $DIRS -mtime -7 -type f -print | tar zcvf /BackupDir_7/Month_Date.7.tgz -T -
use -mtime -32 to cover for un-noticed failed incremental backups from last week
Simple Monthly Incremental Backup
find $DIRS -mtime -31 -type f -print | tar zcvf /BackupDir_30/Year_Month.30.tgz -T -
use -mtime -93 to cover for un-noticed failed incremental backups from last month

1 comment:

  1. there are many ways of recovery for sql server 3.1 standard and you can get an intelligent solution against the damage of selected files
